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Parent Resources


Maria Alcaraz-Reyes
Family Liaison
Phone | 503-864-2217 

Ana Lundgren
Family Liaison
Phone | 503-864-2273

Contact Us
780 Ferry Street
Dayton, OR 97114
Phone | 503-864-2215
Fax | 503-864-3927


Contact Form

The Dayton School District uses two applications: ParentSquare and ParentVUE to communicate with our parents and guardians. Each of these serve a separte purposes:

ParentSquare -  ParentSquare is the Dayton School District's chosen platform for district, school, and teacher communications. This is primarily done through email, text, or app notifications. ParentSquare will automatically generate an account for each parent or guardian using their preferred email address and phone number. The ParentSquare app can be downloaded here: Apple iOS or Android. Invitations to this app are sent during the registration process. Please reach out to your child's school if you encounter any issues.

ParentVUE/ StudentVUE - The ParentVUE and StudentVUE portals allows both parents and students near real-time access to attendance, class schedules, gradebook, and report card information. ParentVUE will also be the platform for verifing student information. ParentVUE/ StudentVUE can be access on from any Internet-connected device. Apps can also be downloaded on Apple iOS or Andriod devices.


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