Recess is more fun when we're all together!
Dayton Grade School
The typical schedule, Tuesday through Friday, first bell rings at 8:00am. Students are let into the building at this time. The final tardy bell rings at 8:15am.
Each Monday the building begins school two-hour later. Each bell is two-hours later than normal. The first bell rings at 10:00am and the tardy bell rings at 10:15am.
Students that arrive later than these times will need to check-in at the main office.
The dismissal bell rings at 2:50pm.
Dayton Junior High/ High School
The typical schedule, Tuesday through Friday, first bell rings at 7:55am. Students are let into the building at this time.
Each Monday the buildings begin school two-hour later. Each bell is two-hours later than normal. The first bell rings at 9:55am.
Students that arrive later than these times will need to check-in at the main office.
The dismissal bell rings at 3:05pm.